Abstract—Automobile Industry is one of the key industries in the business sector. Automobile industry has the largest growth because of changes in consumer preferences, business policies and changing economic conditions. Almost all modern cars have independent front suspension, which means that each front wheel of your auto is linked separately to the automobile frame. The front wheels must steer as well as respond to the road surfaces because of bounces up and down when either wheel hits a bump or pothole. Automobile should drive down on the road in comfort and safety. The performance of front suspension of automobile is based on the steering geometry of the suspension. The steering geometry parameters are kingpin angle, camber angle, caster angle, scrub radius, toe in and toe out. In this paper model equations are formulated based on which steering geometry can be predicated and vehicle performance can be determined.
Index Terms—Front Suspension, Steering Geometry, Automobile, Modeling.
P. N. Belkhode is with the Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur, INDIA (phone: 919765032792; e-mail: pramodb@ rediffmail.com).
P. V. Washimkar is with the Priyadarshini Institute of Technology, Nagpur, INDIA. (Phome: 9326447557;e-mail:prashantwashimkar@rediffmail.com).
M. S. Dhande is with the Priyadarshini Institute of Technology, Nagpur, INDIA. (e-mail: msdhande@rediffmail.com).
Cite: P. N. Belkhode, P. V. Washimkar and M. S. Dhande, "Predication of Steering Geometry of Front Suspension using Experimental Data Based Model," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 543-546, 2010.
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