IJET 2024 Vol.16(1): 1-5
DOI: 10.7763/IJET.2024.V16.1245
The Impact of Implementing Lean Manufacturing Tools in the Productivity of the Dyeing Area of a Textile Company
Andrei Jorge Kuryla-Queirolo*, Arturo Novelli-Toce, Juan Carlos Quiroz-Flores, Martin Collao-Diaz, and Alberto Flores-Pérez
Facultad de Ingenieríay Arquitectura, Universidad de Lima, Lima, Perú
Email: 20172261@aloe.ulima.edu.pe (A.J.K-Q.), 20171063@aloe.ulima.edu.pe (A.N.-T.), jcquiroz@ulima.edu.pe (J.C.Q.-F.), mcollao@ulima.edu.pe (M.C.-D.), alflores@ulima.edu.pe (A.F.-P.)
*Corresponding author
Manuscript received September 10, 2023; revised November 2, 2023; accepted November 20, 2023
Abstract—Peruvian textile industries have suffered a considerable decrease in terms of clothing exports during these recent years, partly because of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, fierce competition with Asian countries in this sector has forced South American countries to take measures of industrial competitiveness by offering high quality products. Inadequate inventory management, a high percentage of faulted batches and a high rate of non-fulfillment of orders are some frequent problems that directly affect the productivity of textile Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in these areas. The main objective of this research is to prove how the implementation of Lean tools can improve the productivity of the dyeing area, minimizing the amount of defective fabric and increasing completion of the production plan. The proposed model is made up of Lean tools such as: Standardized work, 5S methodology and Kanban. Furthermore, simulation by the Arena software was used to validate this proposal in the fabric dyeing area of a textile company. The results of this simulation were an increase in compliance with the production plan by 8.63% and a reduction of 5.07% in the percentage of fabric reruns.
Keywords—lean manufacturing, Kanban, 5S, standardized work, textile company, dyeing area
Cite: Andrei Jorge Kuryla-Queirolo, Arturo Novelli-Toce, Juan Carlos Quiroz-Flores, Martin Collao-Diaz, Alberto Flores-Pérez, "The Impact of Implementing Lean Manufacturing Tools in the Productivity of the Dyeing Area of a Textile Company," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-5, 2024.