Abstract—A tracking system that has redundant sensors can accommodate a faulty sensor. The main purpose of a tracking system is to lock in the target. Having redundant sensors give a chance to the system to lock in when one of the sensors is faulty. Mathematical relations between the signals lead to identification of the faulty sensor and automatic reconfiguration of the system.
Index Terms—Algorithm, detection and diagnostic, fault-tolerant control, fault detection and identification.
The authors are with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia (e-mail: S2117326@gmail.com, liuping.wang@rmit.edu.au, thurai@rmit.edu.au).
Cite: J. Florescu, T. Vinay, and L. Wang, "Fault Tolerant Traking Control System," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 157-161, 2013.
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