Abstract—Consecutive differential movements of ground to the dryness and the rehydration of the sols" are irregular movements of ground related to the phenomenon of withdrawal-swelling of clays. They appear in the clay soils and are related to the water variations of the ground. These movements are slow and involve a progressive deformation of the grounds, not always perceptible by the man. During the periods of dryness, the lack of water involves the retractation of clays: there is a phase of withdrawal. Contrary, a new contribution of water in these grounds produces a phenomenon of swelling. By risk of withdrawal-swelling, one understands the phenomenon "natural" likely to occur, with a probability of more or less large occurrence. For the phenomenon of withdrawal-swelling of the argillaceous grounds, one will speak about strong, average or weak risk. This article returns within the framework d' study of risk withdrawal - swelling or dryness-humidification of the argillaceous marnes of the area of Ouled Fayet and Chéraga of Algiers.
Index Terms—Dryness-humidification, risk, argillaceous Marnes of Algiers.
F. Z. Aissiou and A. Nechench are with the Houari Boumediene University, Civil engineering faculty, Po Box 32, El Alia, Algiers (e-mail: fa_aissiou2007@yahoo. fr, nechnech_a@yahoo. fr).
Cite: F. Z. Aissiou and A. Nechench, "Contribution to Phenomenon of Sechage-Humidification of a Clay Soil of Algiers: Case the Argillaceous Marnes," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 149-152, 2013.
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