Abstract—Two stage (Miller) opamp is one of the most commonly used opamp architectures in analog and mixed signal design. This paper presents the design of a Miller opamp using Potential Distribution Methodology (PDM). It is observed that a wide variety of design objectives depend on distribution of voltages and currents across the differential and gain stage. These dependencies are exploited to optimize the opamp performance and simulation results are presented.
Index Terms—CMOS, opamp, PDM
Ashis Kumar Mal and Rishi Todani are with the National Institute of
Technology, Durgapur India (e-mail: akmal@ece.nitdgp.ac.in,
Abirjyoti Mondal was with the National Institute of Technology,
Durgapur INDIA. He is now with the Department of Computer Engineering,
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India (e-mail:
Om Prakash Hari is with the Tejas Netwoks Ltd. (e-mail:
Cite: Ashis Kumar Mal, Abirjyoti Mondal, Om Prakash Hari, and Rishi Todani, "Simulator Based Simplified Design Approach of a CMOS 2-Stage Opamp," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 826-830, 2012.
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