Abstract—Information can not be measured in length and breadth but when received via some media, either in clear or encrypted form, can be assigned confidence level as ‘authentic’ (genuine) or ‘misleading’ (tempered with) because there always exist an equally likely probability for it to get detected, fabricated and or destroyed by an adversary during the course of transmission. Steganography - often referred to as art and / or science of hiding information together with Cryptography, is a way out for the aforementioned problem. Over the years we have come across several steganographic techniques / algorithms designed for hiding information inside digital media like Image, Audio, and Video files etc. This paper, however, is an attempt to propose a new steganographic algorithm (added with cryptography) for hiding information inside digital ASCII Text documents - an area of study regarded as 'difficult' by many because changing a single bit in an ASCII code of a text document may render it as erroneous character / word.
Index Terms—Covert channel, steganography, steganology, stealth communique, information hiding.
The authors are with International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan (e-mail: farhan.phdcs35@ iiu.edu.pk).
Cite: K. F. Rafat and M. Sher, "Steg Rithm: Steganographic Algorithm for Digital ASCII Text Documents," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 765-763, 2012.
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