Abstract—Cold-formed steel frames are light and affordable, they are fabricated and installed very fast; thus they are extensively used in industrial construction. They are reinforced with steel sheer walls to withstand against side forces. This paper is to study behavior of steel shear walls of cold formed steel. For this purpose finite element models are developed. Linear behavior and connection details of the frame analyzed under monotonic load and obtained results compared with empirical ones demonstrate adequate accuracy of finite element modeling. The study included longitude resistance of sheer wall, impacting factors on behavior of cold-formed steel frame shear walls, base sheer and demolition mechanisms of the frame.
Index Terms—Cold formed steel, steel sheer wall, monotonic loading, finite element modeling.
M. Bitarafan is with the Department of Civil Engineering, Science and
Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran (e-mail:
mb_civil90@ yahoo.com).
Yusef Hussein- Zadeh is with the Faculty member of Tabriz University,
Iran (e-mail: Hosseinzadeh@tabrizu.ac.ir).
Farzad Pichkah is with the Kharazmi University (Tarbiat Moallem of
Tehran), Iran (e-mail: Pichkah@tmu.ac.ir).
Shahin Lale Arefi is with the Department of Civil Engineering, Shomal
University, Amol, Iran (e-mail: shahin.arefi@gmail.com).
Cite: Mahdi Bitarafan, Youssef Hussein- Zadeh, Farzad Pichkah, and Shahin Lale Arefi, "Finite Elements Modeling and Analysis of Cold-Formed Steel Frame Shear Walls," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 719-722, 2012.
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