Abstract—Selection of design ground motion for nonlinear dynamic analysis is a difficult task because of its unpredictability and sensitivity to various uncertain parameters. Particularly, indices based design ground motion selection procedures may lag in this aspect because complexity and unpredictability of nonlinear response cannot be represented by a unique index. To improve the reliability of index based design ground motions selection procedures, it is proposed to use multiple indices, because it is helpful to consider a variety of aspects of ground motions, which may not be consider if we use a unique index. Selection of appropriate index/indices for selection/synthesis of design ground motions from a list of available indices is a critical issue and discussed in this paper. It is proposed to use the mutual information for the evaluation of indices, because it evaluates the information shared by two variables. The effectiveness of mutual information to select the appropriate indices for selection of design ground motions is verified through a numerical simulation. In numerical simulation, two dimensional three bays five floor moment resisting concrete frame is used as a target structure. A set of 450 ground motions records from past seismic activities are used to show the effectiveness of the approach in context of real ground motions. Advantage of using mutual information over conventional approach is discussed. The results from the study indicate that mutual information can serve as a useful tool for selection of appropriate indices for selection of design ground motions.
Index Terms—Mutual information, dynamic nonlinear response, feature indices, coefficient of covariance.
Tauqir Ahmed is with the Department of Civil Engineering, The
Univesity of Tokyo, Japan, on leave from University of Engineering and
Technology Lahore, Pakistan (e-mail: tauqir@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
Riki Honda is with the Department of Civil Engineering, The Univesity
of Tokyo, Japan (e-mail: rhonda@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
Cite: Tauqir Ahmed and Honda Riki, "Effectiveness of Mutual Information to Select Appropriate Indices for Selection of Design Ground Motions," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 689-692, 2012.
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