Abstract—This paper aims to identify the key energy predictors for multi-storied apartment development in composite climate of Roorkee. To achieve this, comprehensive energy assessment is carried out of an apartment building in Roorkee for a life cycle of 50 years. Manual estimation (using questionnaire survey) and simulations (using Design Builder’s software) are done to estimate Operating Energy (OE).Embodied Energy (EE) is estimated by multiplying Embodied Energy Rates (EER) with the respective quantity of each Item of work. Internal gains through lighting, solar heat gain through glazing and roof insulation are found to be the three main energy predictors for OE and RCC & masonry work as the major determiner of the EE. The study reveals that the OE accounts for 80% of the total energy use, for a life span of 50 years. The changes made in the identified energy predictors have reduced OE per sq.mt to a significant figure of 18.9%. The same substitution also results in a reduction of 19.2 % in the EE and 18.6 % – 20 % in CO2 emissions.
Index Terms—Embodied energy, operating energy, energy predictors, simulation.
Shailza Singh and S. Y. Kulkarni are with the Department of Architecture and Planning in Indian Institute of Techonology, Roorkee India (e-mail: shailza_nithmr@yahoo.co.in).
P. S. Chani is with the Department of Architecture and Planning, IIT Roorkee India.
Cite: Shailza Singh, P. S. Chani, and S. Y. Kulkarni, "Energy Assessment of Multi-Storied Apartments in Roorkee," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 684-688, 2012.
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