Abstract—Lack of adequate of fresh water has become a serious problem in several countries of the world. Availability of clean water is going to become one of the most pressing resource issues of the country. Even though there are various technologies available for purification of water harnessing solar energy fits the purpose for future problems. Distillation is one of many processes available for water purification, and solar energy is one of several forms of heat energy that can be used to power this process. In this research work, the performance of solar concentrated distiller with latent heat storage capacity is compared with solar concentrated distiller with trays on the basin. Paraffin wax is used as the latent heat storage material. Experiments are conducted for improving productivity and this is done by various factors like heat storage capacity, exposure area and maintaining low depth. Hourly Productivity of the concentrated solar distiller is obtained for experimental duration 9AM to 5AM water was measured every hour by maintaining lower depth. Overall productivity was improved by a maximum of 48% by using various modifications.
Index Terms—Paraffin wax, latent heat storage, concentrated solar distiller, distillation.
The authors are with the Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, India (e-mail: gowthamtce@gmail.com).
Cite: M. Gowtham, K. Richard Neiel, V. Nagarajan, P. Christhu Dass, and A. Thimothy, "Integrated Performance Analysis of Latent Heat Storage and Finned Type Solar Distiller," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 613-616, 2012.
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