Abstract—The wind turbine, being one of the longest developed alternatives to conventional power plant, has attracted considerable attention at many. The system needs to be developed in quick and efficient manners with low resources based on modeling and simulation method. With the development of wind turbine library in open source Modelica language, it could be used as a base for further advancement of wind turbine technology. This paper focusing on providing summary of models of wind turbine performance characteristics such as power output and shaft torque among others. Models presented could simplify and reduce time in modeling process related to wind turbine application.
Index Terms—Modelica language, wind turbine model.
A. A. Razak is with the Faculty of Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 Gambang, Malaysia (e-mail: amirrazak@ump.edu.my, amirrazak@hotmail.com).
Cite: Amir A. Razak, "Overview of Wind Turbine Modeling in Modelica Language," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 551-553, 2012.
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