Abstract—A notable purpose of off shoring is to gain competitive advantages in software development business. While off shoring offers great opportunities, it also creates a new trend of threats in software development due to differences in culture, languages, time zones, and development processes deployed. Maximizing the profits of the off shoring relies on strong remote project management skills including remote risk analysis. It is important that potential risks should be detected promptly and there should be quantitative indicators that can help to precisely monitor risks in a remote manner. In that view, we present an off shoring risk assessment tool which uses our formally defined CMMI quantitative approach. This tool is implemented on IBM JAZZ platform to enable quantitative risk monitoring and assessment for application life cycle support.
Index Terms—Off shoring development, software risk monitoring and assessment, quantitative CMMI.
The authors are with the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (e-mail: morakot.cho@mahidol.ac.th, thanwadee.sun@mahidol.ac.th).
Cite: Morakot Choetkiertikul and Thanwadee Sunetnanta, "A Risk Assessment Tool Using a CMMI Quantitative Approach,"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 352-353, 2012.