Abstract—Despite previous efforts to solve linear and nonlinear deadbeat control systems, a need still exists for better methodology in terms of performance and stability. This paper proposes a new design methodology for deadbeat control of nonlinear systems in discrete-time. The proposed methodology is based on partitioning the solution into two components; each with different sampling time. The proposed control can be divided into two sub-controllers: one uses state feedback and the other uses the Diophantine equations. The complete nonlinear design guarantees the convergence to a neighborhood of origin from any initial state in finite time; thus, providing a stable deadbeat performance. Results shows that the ripple-free deadbeat controller is able to track the input signal and the error decays to zero in a finite number of sampling times.
Index Terms—Deadbeat control, diophantine equations, multi-rate, output-feedback linearization.
H. A. Elaydi is with the Electrical Engineering Department at the Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine (e-mail: helaydi@iugaza.edu.ps).
Mohammed Elamassie is with University College of Applied Science, Gaza, Palestine (e-mail: melamassie@ucas.edu.ps).
Cite: Hatem Elaydi and Mohammed Elamassie, "Multi-rate Ripple-Free Deadbeat Control for Nonlinear Systems Using Diophantine Equations," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 489-494, 2012.
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