Abstract—Cymatics is the study of the visualization of sounds. Cymatics analyzes sounds by applying basic principles of wave mechanics. Since sound is a type of wave, it can be displayed through visual media. Inspired by the idea that Cymatics visualizes sound, this study researches the previous studies about Cymatics, especially Ernest Chladni’s Cymatics pattern which is the most achieving. By conducting experiments, this study estimates the accuracy of the Chladni patterns and suggests that different Cymatics forms can be found when experiments are conducted in different circumstances. Verifying Chaldni patterns and studying Cymatics is important to systemize the visualization of sound for useful application. If sound can be systematically visualized, it would expand the opportunity for people with impaired hearing to communicate and appreciate art.
Index Terms—Cymatics, chladni pattern, aurally-challenged.
The authors are with the Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies (e-mail:sojin0219@gmail.com).
Cite: You Jin Oh and Sojin Kim, "Experimental Study of Cymatics," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 434-436, 2012.
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