Abstract—Carbon nanotube has received great research attentions as a next generation material due to its excellent electrical, mechanical and chemical properties. Using the properties, carbon nanotube is able to improve the sensitivity of bio sensors, gas sensors and mechanicals sensor. When a single walled carbon nanotube is used for the mechanical sensor, a mechanical force deforms the single walled carbon nanotube and changes its electrical properties. The change of electrical properties is due to the change of energy band gap of the single walled carbon nanotube. In this study, we fabricated a strain sensor using single walled carbon nanotubes film. The single walled carbon nanotubes film has 3 dimensional structure of interwoven single walled carbon nanotubes as well as unique properties such as transparency, flexibility and good electrical conductivity. The structure of strain sensor demonstrated in this study is much reliable and convenient for fabrication compared to the sensor with individual single walled carbon nanotubes.
Index Terms—Single walled carbon nanotube, carbon nanotubes film, strain sensor
Seok-Mo Hong, Hyung-Jin Lee, Tae-Hee Han, and Yongho Choi are withthe Dept. of Computer Science, Kyonggi University, Suwon Gyeonggi, Korea (e-mail: yhchoi@jwu.ac.kr).
Ki-Bong Han is with the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Jungwon University Goesan-eup, Goesan-Gun, Chungcheongbuk-do367-805, South Korea.
Cite: Seok-Mo Hong, Hyung-Jin Lee, Tae-Hee Han, Ki-Bong Han, and Yongho Choi, "Development of Strain Sensor Using Carbon Nanotubes Film," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 413-415, 2012.
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