Abstract—In today’s scenario, more and more people are required to travel back and forth to various places. With the increasing vehicular population and their movements on the roads, accidents are also steadily increasing. It has become a nightmare for the authorities to prevent /reduce such fatal accidents on the roads. But the authorities’ efforts are in vain. It is shocking to know the study results that around 50% of the road accidents are owing to drunken driving all over the world[1], [2]. Any mechanism or device to reduce such deaths will be of great help. “THE SMART CAP” technology will help in preventing such deaths (caused by drunken driving and drowsiness while driving) and it is a means to save thousands of priceless human lives. [3], [4]
Index Terms—Electroencephalography, alpha wave, theta wave, power spectral density.
Authors are with the Dept. of biomedical engg, PSG college of technology, Coimbatore-04, Tamilnadu, India (e-mail:emalar_mathi@yahoo.co.in; gauthaam.shibu@gmail.com,kdkamal@yahoo.co.in; muthubme1@gmail.com)
Cite: E. Malar, M. Gauthaam, M. Kalaikamal, and S. Muthukrishnan, "The EEG Based Driver Safety System," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 340-343, 2012.
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