Abstract—We focus in this paper to improve the level of intrusion detection system (IDS). This improvement is based on three research areas: classification of attacks, generation of attack scenarios and finally evaluation methods. We will discuss in this article the second area, which consists on the research of meaningful scenarios in order to minimize false and positive alerts reported by an IDS. We will present two algorithms generating these scenarios. The first one allows the conversion of the problem to a constraint programming problem (CSP) and the second one is based on an algorithm to search the shortest path. We will also compare the results of these two algorithms.
Index Terms—Scenario, attack, evaluation, IDS, CSP, CHOCO.
M. Saber and T. Bouchentouf are with the Department of Computer Science, National School of Applied Sciences, Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco (e-mail: mosaber@gmail.com, tbouchentouf@gmail.com).
A. Benazzi is with the Department of Computer Science, High School of Technology, Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco (e-mail:benazzihamid@yahoo.fr).
Cite: Mohammed Saber, Toumi Bouchentouf, and Abdelhamid Benazzi, "Generation of Attack Scenarios for Evaluating IDS," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 298-302, 2012.
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