Abstract—A remote gaming application Games@ Large needed to have an automatic device discovery in an environment where network is not trusted and neither are client devices used in the network. We applied earlier invention Secure UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) to Games@ Large demonstration platform to enable secure device discovery, device authentication and communication in an untrusted network. The Secure UPnP method was improved by adding possibility to work in an unsecure network while earlier only problem of untrusted devices was addressed. As a result of the addition of the Secure UPnP to the Games@ Large gaming platform it can now be used in unsecure environments like internet café. The Secure UPnP method still needs development as for example certificate expirations are not handled and it could still be more user friendly to customer users and administrators.
Index Terms—Device discovery, remote gaming, security, UPnP.
Authors are with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O. Box1000, 02044 Espoo, Finland (e-mail: firstname. lastname@ vtt.fi).
Cite: Janne Väre, Vesa Pehkonen, and Katja Pulkkinen, "Using Secure Device Discovery and Device Authentication in Unsecure Gaming Network," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 294-297, 2012.
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