Abstract—Existing road infrastructures are becoming incapable of handling the rapid traffic growth in metro cities. Further expansion of infrastructure in these cities is having limitation of land availability. Keeping in view these, it has become imperative to increase the efficiency of these road infrastructures by making them and vehicle moving over them as intelligent. The innovative transportation technique can reduce the delay at the traffic intersection and hence idling time. This results in; apart from travelers’ time saving, vehicular emission reduction. The road traffic capacity can be increased many folds and travelers can be guided appropriately to reach their destinations. In the present study, the benefits of Innovative Transportation Technique in tackling the urban traffic have been summarized. Also, the frame work to employ this emerging technology on urban roads in India is described in brief.
Index Terms—APTS, ATMS, ATIS, AVCS, CVO, ITS Technologies, area traffic control.
The authors are with DJMIT, Mogar, Gujarat, India (Tel.: +09924923944;E-mail: ashishvtalati@gmail.com).
Cite: Talati Vaishakhi A. and Talati Ashish V., "Innovative Transportation Technique: A Need for Urban Traffic Control, Regulation and Management," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 177-181, 2012.
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