Abstract—In food companies, the supply chain manager has a pivotal role in the process from procurement through to managing the reverse logistics, which can be described as the process of moving goods back through the system with the purpose of finding another use for the products, or for proper disposal. This requests that food enterprises develop a sustainable supply chain to realize this process. This paper addresses the concept of the sustainable food supply chain and the methods and steps to achieve this goal for food industry.
Index Terms—Sustainable supply chain, food supply chain, food industry
The authors are with Beijing Vocational College of Electronic Science and Technology, Beijing, China (e-mail: tsurendarkashyap@gmail.com).
Cite: Yan Xiao-hui and Ma Jun, "Development of Sustainable Food Supply Chain," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 166-169, 2012.
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