Abstract—Transportation and logistics are important factors for economic growth and prosperity. By providing services for cooperation in the distribution domain, which can be dynamically accessed and applied, the existing resources can be used more efficiently. Additionally, due to cooperation a better utilization could leverage the overall performance of long distance distribution services. In this paper we present a cooperative approach used within a logistic platform utilizing dynamic transshipment points. By this, freight can be exchanged on demand even if vehicles are on the move in order to save costs in terms of covered distances, better vehicle utilization, travel times, and so on. For information exchange, required for cooperation, common smart phones can be applied as they allow for location determination as well as communication capabilities at low investment costs. The feasibility and usefulness of the approach is demonstrated by simulation and the results presented indicate a high potential of savings.
Index Terms—Distribution platform, logistic and transportation, logistic service.
Markus Duchon is with Siemens Corporate Technology, CT T DE IT 1,Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, 80200 Munich, Germany (e-mail: markus. duchon@ifi. lmu. de).
Claudia Linnhoff-Popien is with Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, Oettingenstr, 67, 80538 Munich, Germany
Cite: Markus Duchon and Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, "Platform for Logistic and Transport Utilizing Dynamic Transshipment Points," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 148-152, 2012.
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