Abstract—Success of a city predominantly depends on the efficient delivery of urban services of which efficient transportation system can identify as the key element. An adequate and efficient transport system is a pre-requisite for sustainable economic development. The present paper comprises impact of Flyovers of Dhaka City on the Affected People in the Adjacent Areas. The ever-increasing migration rate from fringe areas initiates both horizontal and vertical expansion of the capital after the independence. The country failed to adopt any decentralization policy to overcome the population problem. To predict the changes in influence of the flyover economic evaluation is also conducted side by side. During the study, some problems have been identified and feasible recommendation evaluated in this context. The ability of Dhaka's transport system to sustain economic growth has been declining steadily day by day
Index Terms—Transport system, impact of flyover, traffic congestion, dhaka city.
Md. Abu Taleb is with the Manarat International University Dhaka, Bangladesh (e-mail: taleb090@yahoo.com).
Shamsuzzaman Majumder is with the Department of Geography and Environment, University of Dhaka.
Cite: Md. Abu Taleb and Shamsuzzaman Majumder, "Impact of Flyovers in Dhaka City of Bangladesh on the Affected People in the Adjacent Area," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp.103-106, 2012.
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