Abstract—In today’s pervasive world of needing information anytime and anywhere, the explosive Grid Computing environments have now proven to be so significant that they are often referred to as being the world's single and most powerful computer solutions. So, Resource management and task scheduling are very important and complex problems in grid computing environment. As a matter of fact the complexity and dynamic nature of industrial problems in today's world are much more intensive to satisfy by the more traditional, single computational platform approaches. To full fill this it is necessary to predict resource state to get proper task scheduling. In this paper we propose object oriented modified ANT algorithm is a new heuristic algorithm. The scalability of proposed algorithm is validating by proposing a simple Grid simulation architecture for resource management and task scheduling. The algorithm when implemented in simulation environment produced good results in terms of minimal response time; maximum resource average utilization and task fulfill proportion.
Index Terms—Grid computing, Task scheduling, ANT algorithm, Modified ANT algorithm, Resource management.
Authors are with Department of CSE, SRKR Engineering College affiliated to Andhra University, AP, India (chinta. someswararao @gmail.com).
Cite: Chinta Someswara Rao, V. Mnssvkr Gupta, K. V. S. Murthy, and R. Shiva Shankar, "Implementation of Object Oriented Approach to Efficient Task Scheduling in Grid Computing with Modified Ant Algorithm," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 646-650, 2011.