Abstract—The micro-driving system driven by Giant Magnetostrictive Material (abbr. GMM) has a lot of advantages such as large feed force, high displacement resolution, wide displacement range and so on, which overcome the shortcoming of the PZT driver such as its intricate structure to prevent leakage since the PZT must work in high-voltage situation. When the magnetic field changed, submicron displacement output is realized by the micro-driving device, with the function of self-sensing micro-feed of the micro-driving system, it is easy to realize automatic compensation of the micro-feed, so the application prospect of the micro-driving system driven by GMM used in the field of Super-precision manufacturing is extensive.
Index Terms—Giant magnetostrictive material; micro-driving system; micro-feed self-sensing; labview; precision strain gauge
Zhen YU is with the College of Machinery and Automation, Wu Han University of Science and Technology, Wu Han, China (e-mail: for_chenyu@ sohu.com).
Jie MEI and Ding-fang CHEN are with Intelligent Manufacturing & Controlling Institute, Wu Han University of Technology, WuHan, China (e-mail: jiemeiben@hotmail.com; cadcs@126.com).
Cite: Zhen Yu, Jie Mei, and Ding-fang Chen, "Design and Experiment Research of Micro-feed Self-sensing Micro-Driving System Based on GMM," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 587-594, 2011.