Abstract—Making our homes greener requires optimization of environmental impacts through efficient use of energy, water and building materials and proper disposal of waste. The study is an attempt to build greener homes by introducing codes leading to a rating system to minimize the environmental damage during its life span and to revolutionize the design of new buildings for healthy and more sustainable lifestyles. The code has been proposed based on six criteria covering energy, water, materials, waste, ecology, health and wellbeing. Each criterion is assessed and weighted based on its relative importance and a total score is obtained after assessing all the criteria. It also recommended that all buildings should be certified or coded by a licensed and accredited code assessor to ensure that the rating is independent and trustworthy.
Index Terms—Building materials, coding, greener homes, rating, sustainable construction.
Authors are with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Board Bazar, Gazipur-1704,Bangladesh. (e-mail: s-shams@iut-dhaka.edu; rusho@iut-dhaka.edu;alamince@iut-dhaka.edu).
Cite: S. Shams, K. Mahmud and M. Al-Amin, "Building Greener Homes Based on Coding and Rating System," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 480-484, 2011.
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