Abstract—Dragline system is a high capacity, capital intensive and specialized mining equipment in Open Cast Mines that are used to extract coal by removing overburden. It consists of six sub-systems namely Drag, Hoist, Swing, Power Drive, Propel &others. It is essential that all the subsystems remain in operating state for maximum possible time duration for efficient working of the dragline system. A typical dragline can move about 3 crore cubic metres of overburden a year [2] and equates to generate approximately 1 lac revenue per hr. Existing reliability for subsystem drag and hoist are 0.4742 (47.42%) and 0.5931 (59.31%) respectively. This paper outlines determination of improvement potential of reliability of drag and hoist. Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is calculated for failure component of drag and hoist. An entire dragline needs to be stopped for execution of any preventive maintenance action. Age replacement policy is suggested for critical failure component. Minimum MTBF is for spare link which is 3.31 months whereas MTBF for drag rope and O ring is 3.42months and 3.63 months respectively. It is suggested to replace drag rope and o ring at 3.31 month along with spare link that shall cause net saving potential of 9.5 lacs / year
Index Terms—Age replacement policy, Dragline, MTBF, Preventive Maintenance, Reliability improvement.
P. V. Washimkar is working as Asst. Professor & Head of the Mechanical Engineering department with the Priyadarshini Institute of Engg &Technology, Nagpur, INDIA (phone:+919326447557,email:prashantwashimkar@reediffmail.com)
Dr. V. S. Deshpande is working as a Principal with Shri Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engg College, Nagpur, INDIA (phone:+919423105836,email:deshpandevs@rknec.edu)
Dr. J. P. Modak is working as Emeritus Professor & Dean (R&D) with Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, INDIA(phone:+919890831037, email:jpmodak@yahoo.com)
Dr.(Mrs.) A. V. Nasery is working as Associate Professor, Department of Statics, Dharmpeth M. P. Deo Memorial Science College, Nagpur, INDIA (phone+919823424271, email: anaghanasery@yahoo.in)
Cite: P. V. Washimkar, V. S. Deshpande, J. P. Modak, Mrs. A. V. Nasery, "Formulation of Preventive Maintenance Schedule for Dragline System," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 396-399, 2011.
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