Abstract—In this study, k-ε model has been used to examine supersonic flow in a model scramjet combustor. The configuration used is similar to the DLR (German Aerospace Center) scramjet model and it is consists of a one-sided divergent channel with a wedge-shaped flameholder at the base of which hydrogen is injected. Here, we investigate supersonic cold flow with hydrogen injection. For the purpose of validation, the k-ε results are compared with experimental data for temperature at the bottom wall. In addition, qualitative comparisons are also made between predicted and measured shadowgraph images. The k-ε computations are capable of predicting cold flow simulations well and good.
Index Terms—Flameholder, k-ε model, Scramjet and Supersonic combustion.
K. M. Pandey, Senior Member, IACSIT and Professor, is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, N.I.T Silchar, Assam, India. (Email:kmpandey2001@yahoo.com).T. Sivasakthivel, M.Tech - Thermal Engineering, is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, N.I.T Silchar, Assam, India (Email:sivasakthivel.t@gmail.com).
Cite: K. M. Pandey and T. Sivasakthivel, "CFD Analysis of a Hydrogen Fueled Mixture in Scramjet Combustor with a Strut Injector by Using Fluent Software," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 109-115, 2011.
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