Abstract—Bio-Medical Engineering (BME) has been an active research area for years. BME is the application of engineering techniques to the medical fields. It combines the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical sciences to improve the health care and the quality of individual life. With the proliferation of advanced electronics and applied engineering, the ways to help people specifically patients are changed. Therefore, an advanced design for monitoring a vital sign towards experimentation is presented. The vital signs monitor is essentially a real time device that displays certain received signals from the human body. The projects of this sort under taken so far have used windows to display the output whereas this project aims to generate a real time display of the signals received from the human body using Linux. Linux was preferred for its ability to simultaneously process data and display it in real time. The basic principles and methods are outlined. The major components of the system are shown separately, and are discussed individually. Few electronic devices used for data are depicted and described. The final results show a better performance.
Index Terms—Oximeter, Data Acquisition Card, Pulse Oximetry, Design Process Overview, Result Analysis
1Md.Mokarrom Hossain, 2A.S.M.Mohsin, 3Md. Nasimul Islam Maruf ,4Md. Asaduzzaman Shoeb, 5 Ifat Al-Baqee, is with(1-5), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Stamford University Bangladesh,51Siddeswari, Dhaka1217,Bangladesh.
*Member of IACSIT (email:1mokarromnhossain@gmail.com,2asmmohsin@gmail.com,3mrf5 9bd@yahoo.com,shoeb_1064@yahoo.com, 5ifty00@gmail.com)
Cite: Md. Mokarrom Hossain, A. S. M. Mohsin*, Md. Nasimul Islam Maruf, Md. Asaduzzaman Shoeb* and Ifat Al-Baqee, "An Advanced Architecture & Instrumentation for Developing the System of Monitoring a Vital Sign (Oxygen Saturation) of a Patient,"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 598-602, 2010.