Abstract—Indian companies are yet to leverage the supply chain for competitive advantage and as such there are no initiatives to measure the performance of their existing supply chain systems. However, many multi-nationals dealing in FMCG are fully exploiting the benefits and are also moving towards web-enabled supply chains. In view of globalization and liberalization of the economy, Indian companies are being forced to change their ways of doing business to meet the competitive pressure. In the recent past, many progressive companies are re-engineering their business processes to challenge the ever-increasing competitive pressures in the market place. In this context, Supply Chain Management initiatives could be a competitive tool and measuring the performances against industry standards would go a long way in achieving International standards. However the existing performance measurement methods fail to provide significant assistance in supply chain development. The objective of this paper is to propose an innovative cross boundary performance measurement method from a system perspective. Fuzzy set theory is introduced to address the real situation in the judgment and evaluation processes. This practice will definitely help in improving the supply chain performance.
Index Terms—Cross-boundary approach, Weighted average aggregation method, Fuzzy set theory, Performance measurement systems (PMSs), Process based model, System perspective, Process and performance measurement hierarchy (PPMH), Performance measurement team (PMT)
RUPA SUNIL BINDU is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, DYPCOE, Akurdi, Pune, India-411044
B. B. AHUJA is with the Department of Production Engineering, Govt. Collegeof Engg., Pune, India-411005E-mail: rsbindu31@ rediffmail.com, bba@ prod.coep.org.in
Cite: RUPA SUNIL BINDU and B. B. AHUJA, "Rejuvenating the Supply Chain by Benchmarking using Fuzzy Cross-Boundary Performance Evaluation Approach," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 547-557, 2010.
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