Abstract—This research paper, we deals with the implementation of clustering environment noise load and smoothing it by filtering using bilateral and wiener filter neural network (adaptation method). The proposed method has an advantage of dealing with not only perform load but also to reduce the noise of environment. In this research paper we have used advance technique to find load considering on each Gaussian area for neural computing and filtering noise before cluster it such that, it should not disturb any other existing signal like telephone signal etc. Linear adaptation filter as OPAMP circuit used to filter noise using proposed method.
Index Terms—Adaptation, wiener filter, OPAMP, Mean square error matrix, signal to noise ratio, bilateral filter, Possibilistic Clustering.
Saroj Kumar Gupta, Assitant. Prof., Dept. Of CSE, MadanapalleInstitute of Technology and Science, Madanapalle Chittoor (dt), A.P.,INDIA-517325
M. V. Jagannatha Reddy, Assoc Prof. Dept. of CSE, Dept. Of CSE, Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science, Madanapalle Chittoor(dt), A.P., INDIA-517325
A. Nanda Kumar , Professor, CSE, MITS, Madanapalle, Chittoor(dt). A.P. INDIA-517102Email: mvjagannathreddy@yahoo.co.in, sarojkumargupta@gmail.com
Cite: Saroj Kumar Gupta, M. V. Jagannatha Reddy and A. Nanda Kumar, "Possibilistic Clustering Adaptive Smoothing Bilateral Filter Using Artificial Neural Network," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 499-503, 2010.
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