Abstract—A Geographic Information System (GIS) is any information system that integrates stores, edits, analyzes, shares, and displays geographic information. In a more generic sense, GIS applications are tools that allow users to create interactive queries (user created searches), analyze spatial information, edit data, maps, and present the results of all these operations. Pattern matching is a technique in which the location of a particular place is found by comparing its raw image with the image present in the database. It checks the presence of certain structure in an image. It is done between the reference image and database images, sequentially, pixel by pixel. In this paper, we provide a system which makes use of various data mining algorithms and pattern matching techniques to reduce the impact of disturbances in images using affine and asymmetric transformations. We have assumed some aspects in the input image such as only spatial datasets from different sources are considered. Secondly, a minimum threshold resolution of images is required which is determined in advance. Moreover, we perform pattern matching on point data by using FFT algorithm.
Index Terms—Georefrencing; GIS; Segmentation; Registration.
Cite: Ameya Gawde, Gresha Bhatia, Daishik Mehta, Hitesh Rohira and Aniket Phatak, "Computation of Geographic Location with the Aid of Geospatial Images," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 291-295, 2010.
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