Abstract—Distributed parallel computing, which uses general- purpose workstations connected by a network as a large parallel computing resource, is one of the most promising trends in parallel computing. Over the last two decades, the growth in the use of such parallel computing environment has ensured the interest on the parallel finite element method. In this work, parallel finite element method using domain decomposition technique has been adapted to the distributed parallel environment of networked workstations and the supercomputer. Using the developed parallel code, two model problems are solved and the parallel performances are analyzed on the network of eight Pentium IV PC cluster and GP7000F workstations. The models are High Temperature Test Reactor and Advanced Boiler Water Reactor. The later model with very large size, over 11 million degrees of freedom has been solved using 1024 SR8000 supercomputer. We have tested the numerical and parallel scalable properties of the domain decomposition method with employing suitable preconditioners. The result shows that the method is numerically scalable and efficient in parallel processors.
Index Terms—Domain decomposition, finite element, parallel computing, workstation cluster.
A. M. M. Mukaddes is with department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh (email: mukaddes1975@gmail.com).
Ryuji Shioya is with Toyo University, Japan
Cite: A. M. M. Mukaddes and Ryuji Shioya, "Parallel Performance of Domain Decomposition Method on Distributed Computing Environment," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 28-34, 2010.
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