Abstract—Load balancing system is commonly used for highly efficient utilization of the physical or logical resources and enhancing the performance of the distributed systems and scalability of the Internet. Numerous proposals exist for load balancing system in peer-to-peer networks, but it does not mainly address the security issues. Load balancing among the peers is critical to provide a solution for distribution of resources with security. These paper propose the three methodology for addressing an architecture for load balancing system with security. First, it address an architecture for mobile agent to roam all the nodes in an distributed network and. second, it address an architecture to rearrange the loads among the peers for better performance of the distributed system. Third, and perhaps more significantly, address the mobile agent to provide the security in a network.
Index Terms—Structured peer-to-peer system, Load balancing system, Mobile Agent, Intrusion detection system, Virtual Server Reassignment problem.
Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India. (e-mail: Ezumalai1984@gmail.com, aghilaa@yahoo.com, lakshmi22006@yahoo.co.in).
Cite: R. Ezumalai, G. Aghila and R. Rajalakshmi, "Design and Architecture for Efficient Load Balancing with Security Using Mobile Agents," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 57-60, 2010.
Copyright 2008-2010. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)